luni, 15 iulie 2013

The strings have been cut...

           You though that she will be youre doll forever but as youre masks continued to break ,she caught a  glimpse of  youre true intensions ...
           She cried a thousand tears until the  last drop and then nothing.
          Time  has stopped .

She turned around,
Looked at your cracks for the last time ,
The cracks in your heart.
And before you realized she cut the strings ....

Now , left alone ,with a gap in youre heart
You try to put back the pieces ,but they keep falling...
And still you don't get it ...
Why she did it

So you look for other broken dolls , and keep making the same mistakes

When you see the most beautifull smile , like a ray of sunshine
And it's the smile of youre doll
The one that you kept craving
So sweet , so painfull ....

But when you aproach her ,she runs away
You try to catch her
And when you do , she starts screaming....
She doesn't recognize you
You keep telling her to stop jocking
But then ,
When you look her in the eyes
There's nothing ....
You let her go, and she runs away
Everything inside you  begins to crumble
She was there , right there
But she can't see you , there's no trace of you in her eyes
No memories , nothing
That smile...
How could you  be so blind?
Not to see..
How could you love her  and not see?
How could you be so cruel?
Now she's gone , and youre nothing
You're not a puppet master anymore ,
Never been,
You were just a cracked doll ,too afraid to admit it
Used others to feel better
A game you thought that would  never end
The master has been played
Now you become nothing ,
Just another forgotten memory....

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